Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Kicking the Police

I was reading the story the other day on stuff about an Otaki chap who's car was stolen. The long and the short of it is he called the Police and alerted them to where he thought it was. They didn't dispatch a crew to check it out. He eventually chased the car down half way up the country weeks later. Checking changed REGNO details via a post shop and seeking out it's new owner. Not a great story.

A friend had her car stolen on Sunday night. She had just got back from a weekend away with the kids and had a car full of 'stuff' when it was stolen, shortly after she got home and got the kids sorted. Today she was driving around in a borrowed car and did a bit of sweeping the side streets and found it. She called Police, they quickly dispatched a car and a tow truck. She emptied almost all of her own stuff out of the her car into the borrowed car and her car was taken away for forensics.

Bet this story of procedure being followed and action being swift and effective won't make the headlines !


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